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Power Tongs (RT Marketplace)

Location Houston, TX, US.

Ad posted: May 2, 2020, by:

Texas International Oilfield Tools (TI)

Tubing and Casing Power Tongs

- SL4500 Tubing Power Tong

- KT5500 Tubing Power Tong

- KT8625 - 35K Casing Power Tong

- HD8625 - 25K Casing Power Tong

- HD9625 - 22K Casing Power Tong

- LW9625 Lightweight Casing Tong

- KT13625 Casing Power Tong

- KT14-75K Casing Power Tong

- KT20000 Casing Power Tong

- HD22000 - 22" 80K Casing Power Tong

- HD26000 - 60K Single Motor Casing Power tong

- HD31000 - Heavy Duty Casing Power Tong


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