Map Legend


Ancillary Services
Main office Suite 1500, 510 5th Street SW
Calgary, AB, CA.
T2P 3S2

PCP Services

The team at MANTL knows Progressing Cavity Pumps. Every team member brings years of PCP experience gained from different areas of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and from regions all over the world. We truly have seen it all when it comes to Progressing Cavity Pumps.

Using this experience, MANTL is able to design and supply. COMPLETE PROGRESSING CAVITY PUMP SYSTEMS for use in any situation. We use our own proprietary pump design and match our pumps to your unique well conditions.


Rod Services

The team at MANTL Rod Services has expertise in pump changes, broken rod maintenance, pulls and flushes, polish rod changes, packing or stuffing box changes, drive head maintenance and fishing services. From rod replacement, to pump changes and frac isolation, our superior fleet of Rod Rigs will minimize your downtime and reduce operational costs.


Other Locations

Macklin SK CA

5408 - 46th Street, Hwy 31
Macklin SK CA
S0L 2C0
780 753 0167
780 753 1557
Scott Doetzel

Sedgewick AB CA

Bay 2, #6 Spruce Dr., P.O Box 809
Sedgewick AB CA
T0B 4C0
780 679 4712
780 851 7315
Dennis Lefsrud

Calgary AB CA

Suite 1500, 510 5th Street SW
Calgary AB CA
T2P 3S2
780 753 1557
Ted Tryhuba

Lloydminster AB CA

Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 11203054 67th St - 75th Ave.
Lloydminster AB CA
T9V 0W2
780 870 6011
587 605 7000
Jordy Gerling

Moosomin SK CA

506 Moose Street
Moosomin SK CA
S0G 3N0
306 608 9184
306 802 4212
Troy Smith

Peace River AB CA

2 West Hill Drive
Peace River AB CA
T0H 1W0
587 844 2028

Taber AB CA

6411 Widrose Drive
Taber AB CA
T1G 1Z4
403 892 8777
587 800 0384
Justin Clingman

Slave Lake AB CA

55054 Tamarack Road, Bay 3, NE
Slave Lake AB CA
T0G 2A0
780 805 4993
587 400 5552
Mark Sampson

Bonnyville AB CA

6401 49th Ave
Bonnyville AB CA
T9N 2N7
587 201 4316
Wade Poitras

Wabasca AB CA

2188 Airport RD
Wabasca AB CA
T0G 2K0
780 679 4467
780 805 4993
Mark Samson

Swift Current SK CA

140 Pike Road
Swift Current SK CA
S9H 3Z8
306 910 7349

Drayton Valley AB CA

Red Deer AB CA

Spring Hill QLD AU

3/35 Astor Terrace
Spring Hill QLD AU
+61 488 009 882

Almaty KZ KZ

str Almatinskaya 39-7
Almaty KZ KZ
+90 536 2209818
Serhat Gule

Bakersfield CA US

Bakersfield CA US
661 388 6063
Lance Mehegan

Midland TX US

Midland TX US
1 661 388 6063
Lance Mehegan

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