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Ancillary Services
Main office 39125 Range Road 280
Red Deer County, Alberta, CA.
T4E 0K8
Media Show

Service Masters Security (SMS) - Oilfield Security Access Control, Equipment Set Up, Monitoring and Data Collection

We provide one call 24 hours per day, 7 day per week, full service operations for short or long-term manned security gates.

Our company has extensive experience in monitoring road use and road maintenance agreements for oilfield roads and industrial long haul roads. We provide the verified on-site data to ensure your company is securing their investment by confirming that all users have a valid road use agreement in effect.

We provide access restriction to ungulate areas, sour wells and tight holes to ensure that only authorized users obtain access. This provides the customer with means to support the terms of their AOA agreements with Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD). All traffic and user data is input into our Data Base, and provided to the vendor for their records.

Our Security Services:


Other Locations

Red Deer AB CA

2nd Floor Bay 12, 7459 Edgar Industrial
Red Deer AB CA
T4P 3Z5
Heather Thomas

Grand Cache AB CA

Grande Prairie AB CA

Grande Prairie AB CA
Heather Thomas

Whitecourt AB CA

Fox Creek AB CA

La Crete Alberta CA

Edson AB CA

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