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Ancillary Services

I offer highly trained professionals who integrate into your workforce and provide guidance to your employees. I am a detail conscious organization, with a superior track record of achieving and enhancing bottom-line results with particular strengths in Administrative Management/Compliance, WCB Claims Management and establishing and maintaining Health and Safety programs.

Through our commitment to Health and Safety we have assisted clients in meeting their legal and ethical obligations to maintain safe and healthy work environments. I strive through Continuous Improvement to maintain current knowledge in our field, which assists our clients in implementing changes to their safety programs.

Through a proactive Health and Safety Program, employers can reduce accidents and lower their costs. We provide our clients with full-service Health and Safety. I am able to provide regular inspections with written reports to management, accident investigations, liaise with Government Officials such as the Ministry of Labour, facilitate Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings, and perform assessments and many other services.

My focus is to provide safety services at a financially manageable rate and customize policies, procedures, programs, and services to fulfill any requirement/need for companies. My safety services are offered on a part time or full time contract. We are here to meet your needs, as little or great as they may be.

Other Locations

Lloydminster AB CA

Lloydminster AB CA
306 460 9371
TJ Zavlanos

Battleford SK CA

Box 2117
Battleford SK CA
S0M 0E0
306 460 9371
TJ Zavlanos

Meota SK CA

Meota SK CA
306 460 9371
TJ Zavlanos

Kindersley SK CA

Kindersley SK CA
306 460 9371
TJ Zavlanos

Saskatoon SK CA

Maidstone SK CA

Turtleford SK CA

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