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Oilfield Services Directory Matches

Woodspring Suites Richmond Fort Lee
1 Location

Woodspring Suites Richmond Fort Lee

Woodspring Suites San Antonio I-35 North
1 Location

Woodspring Suites San Antonio I-35 North

WoodSpring Suites Tampa Airport North Veterans Expressway
1 Location

WoodSpring Suites Tampa Airport North Veterans Expressway

WoodSpring Suites Virginia Beach
1 Location

WoodSpring Suites Virginia Beach

WoodSpring Suites Washington DC Andrews AFB
1 Location

WoodSpring Suites Washington DC Andrews AFB

WoodSpring Suites Washington DC East
1 Location

WoodSpring Suites Washington DC East

WoodSpring Suites Washington DC Greenbelt
1 Location

WoodSpring Suites Washington DC Greenbelt

Workin'er Oilfield Services Ltd
9 Locations

Our Services: Pressure Trucks, Vacs & Combo Units, Maintenance Trucks, Hot Oilers and Rental Equipment

Wrangler Well Servicing LTD.
6 Locations

Free Stand Mobile Single Service Rigs, Mobile Slant Service Rigs and 9" BOP rentals

Zav Consulting Inc.
35 Locations

Completions, Abandonments, Cement Squeeze, Frac'ing, Acid and Stimulation jobs, Deepenings, Well Conversions, Optimization, Well Workovers, Consultant

Zinger Rentals
8 Locations

We Take Care of the Following: Transportation of rental equipment to and from sites Set-up and Tear-down of units Regularly Scheduled maintenance Training and orientation for equipment usage, if necessary 24 Hour availability, for support, relocation of units and service work And of course coffee and donuts!

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